
Form validation with jQuery

Getting Started

Download the production version or the development version.

In your web page:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="dist/myValidate.min.js"></script>
jQuery(function($) {
  var myvalidate = $('.myValidate').myValidate({
    debug: false, // Enable / disable debugging plugin
    instance: true, // Returns an instance of the plugin
    removeData: true, // Remove existing instance (util for looping)
    error: "Some required fields are empty.", // Error message for empty field
    errorattach: "It is necessary to attach a file.", // Error message for file
    errormail: "Please enter a valid email address.", // Error message for email
    errorcpf: "CPF Inválido", // Error message for CPF
    errorcnpj: "CNPJ Inválido", // Error message for CNPJ
    erroequal: "Campos {0} e {1} não são iguais", // Error message for equal fields
    required: "required", // Parameter that defines whether the field is required
    notification: ".notification", // Class for notification
    errorcolor: "#F00", // Error color
    notdisabled: true, // Does not return fields with disabled
    bind: 'keyup change',
    changeBackground: true,
    backgrounds: [
        ['#cc0000', '#FFF'],
        ['#cc3333', '#FFF'],
        ['#cc6666', '#FFF'],
        ['#ff9999', '#FFF'],
        ['#e0941c', '#FFF'],
        ['#e8a53a', '#FFF'],
        ['#eab259', '#FFF'],
        ['#efd09e', '#FFF'],
        ['#ccffcc', '#FFF'],
        ['#66cc66', '#FFF'],
        ['#339933', '#FFF'],
        ['#006600', '#FFF'],
        ['#105610', '#FFF']
    passwordValidFrom: 60, // 60%
    onValidatePassword: function(percentage) {
      if (this.debug) {
    onPasswordStrengthChanged: function(passwordStrength, percentage) {
      if (this.debug) {
        console.log(passwordStrength, percentage);
    // Function performed before validation
    beforeValidate: function() {},
    // Function executed when error occurred
    callError: function(event, el, status) {
      if (this.debug) {
        console.log(event, el, status);
    // Function performed when there is no error
    callSuccess: function(event, el, status) {
      if (this.debug) {
        console.log(event, el, status);

  // Reset myValidate to fetch dynamic elements


(Coming soon)


$(function () {
<form action="" class="myValidate">
  <div class="notification" style="display: none;"></div>
    <span class="label-txt">Name:</span>
    <input type="text" name="name" class="txt-field" data-myrules="required">
    <span class="label-txt">E-mail:</span>
    <input type="text" name="email" class="txt-field" data-myrules="required|email">
    <span class="label-txt">Doc:</span>
    <input type="text" name="doc" class="txt-field" data-myrules="doc">
    <span class="label-txt">Password:</span>
    <input type="password" name="password" title="Password" class="txt-field" data-myrules="required">
    <span class="label-txt">Password Confirm:</span>
    <input type="password" name="password_confirmation" title="Password Confirm" class="txt-field" data-myrules="required|equal[password]">
  <input type="submit" value="Send">

Online example: myValidate

Release History